Category Archives: Uncategorized

Diamond Jubilee

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We all had a great time celebrating the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Here are our photos.

Good Work

Well done to Ronnie, Brandon and Olivia for receiving good work certificates this week.

The Romans come to Broadmeadow

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We were lucky enough in year 4 to have a visit from a Roman soldier. He taught us lots about life in Roman times, dressed us up as a soldier and taught us how to fight like a Roman.

Language Alive!

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Recently we were lucky enough to have a visit from a poet who taught us lots of interesting ways to write poetry. Here are some of our photos.

Clay Night Lights

We have been making clay night lights in D & T. Sometimes we found it quite tricky. Here is some of our work. We hope you like it.

Good Work again.

Well done to all of these children who have received good work certificates this week.

Greek Dancing

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Friday 23rd March was European Day. Our country was Greece. Here we are learning some Greek style dancing. Jaylen how did you do that?

Does sound travel through solids

We were investigating whether sound can travel through different solid materials.  One of us put our ear against an object whilst our partner tapped on the object.

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More good work certificates

Well done to everyone who was awarded a good work certificate last week. There were so many! Keep it up.

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Good Work

Well done Ronnie and Teona for all your hard work last week. Keep it up!