Monthly Archives: February 2012


Well done to Eralda and Kyara who have collected the most stickers on their bookmarks. Each time they have changed their books they received a sticker. Who will be next?

Good Work

Well done to Olivia and Ella for your good work this week.

Thinking day

It was nice to see our Brownies and Cubs in their uniforms for World Thinking Day.  Well done!

100 word challenge

A new prompt for this week’s 100 word challenge is now online.  Children and parents are welcome to have a go.

Our Class Assemly

Thank you to all parent who came to watch our class assembly – hope you enjoyed it.   Thanks too to all the children for their hard work.

Our visit to Birmingham Museum

On 10th February we went to Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. We looked at lots of artefacts and in these photos we are copying Ancient Greek patterns from pots in the Greek gallery.

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